Indicators used in CCI with PRSI Trading System
(downloadable file CCI with PRSI Trading System.rar contains Daily open line.ex4, JokerFilter.ex4, Magnified Market Price.ex4, METAL_RANGE.ex4, PLOT.ex4, prsi_pcci.ex4, prsi_pcci.mq4 and CCI with PRSI Trading System.tpl)
Free Download CCI with PRSI Trading System 
How to install CCI with PRSI Trading System in forex trading platform metatrader 4?
- Extract the downloaded CCI with PRSI Trading System.rar.
- Go to “File menu” in Mt4 trading platform and click “open data folder”.
- Open templates folder and paste the CCI with PRSI Trading System.tpl file.
- Open Mql4 folder and open the indicators folder. Now paste the Daily open line.ex4, JokerFilter.ex4, Magnified Market Price.ex4, METAL_RANGE.ex4, PLOT.ex4, prsi_pcci.ex4, prsi_pcci.mq4 files into indicators folder and restart the MetaTrader 4